The Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse (CRISM) and British Columbia Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU) is looking for 1-3 external reviewers to review the national Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) guideline draft from an Indigenous lens. Experience with clinical management of alcohol use disorder is preferred.
Reviewers will be asked to answer several questions to provide feedback on the 200 page guideline by February 3, 2023. You will be paid $200 per hour, up to a maximum of six hours, for your time and expertise, and acknowledgement of the mental/emotional/spiritual labour that goes into this work. You will also be acknowledged as an external reviewer in the published guideline.
Background on the project:
In 2019, the BCCSU developed a clinical treatment guideline for alcohol use disorder (AUD) for the province of BC. Health Canada requested that the BCCSU adapt this into a national resource, with the goal of improving education on the available treatments and ultimately, care for AUD. The guideline covers screening, withdrawal, and the different treatment options for AUD that have been supported by scientific research. It will be used mainly by health care professionals, but is a resource for anyone who provides care for AUD.
The guideline was developed committee of national experts, including clinicians, researchers, policymakers, and people with lived experience of alcohol use and recovery, led by Drs. Evan Wood and Jurgen Rehm. The committee used a structured process developed through the Guidelines International Network to accept or modify the content (the ADAPTE method).
In the spirit of reconciliation, and recognition that Indigenous peoples disproportionately experience harm related to substance use as a result of colonization and ongoing colonial structures, we have sought to ensure cultural sensitivity and relevance in this guideline through the inclusion of Indigenous committee members throughout the development process, as well as now at the external review stage.
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